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Teachers’ Perception and Problems on School Based Curriculum Implementation
Posted: May 20, 2009 by Zainurrahman in Curriculum Development
Tags: curriculum development aspects, KTSP implementation, school based curriculum implementation, teachers' perception on school based curriculum
Teacher’s Perception and Problems on School Based Curriculum Implementation
A Research on the School Based Curriculum Implementation
By Zainurrahman
School Based Curriculum or KTSP which is being applied in Indonesia is now perceived by a curriculum that gives place to the variations of the school. The curriculum is built by the school based on consideration of some internal and external significance variables related to the school itself. However, as autonomous curriculum, it also demands teacher and school to be skilled and trained. This demand then causes different perception of the teachers as the curriculum user on the KTSP. Meanwhile, curriculum as a set of education plan should be prepared and adapted based on the learning situation and future demand and because of this, in implementing KTSP teacher must deal with some problems. In other side, curriculum as a dynamic thing, will always be changed and developed. Therefore, research on the KTSP regard to the teacher’s perception and the problems the teacher deal with in implementing it is needed. The result of the research will be important as the reference or at least consideration in the curriculum development. That is why this research is put into account.
As mentioned, that this research is conducted to investigate the teacher’s perception on the KTSP and the problems the teacher “usually” deal with in implementing KTSP. Therefore, this research needs participants who are implementing KTSP or at least have implemented it. This research’s participants are teachers who have applied the KTSP and by employing electronic correspondence, this research then gathered the data needed. The data then is analyzed by employing qualitative data analysis; where the data is classified, commented, synthesized and described.
This research, finally, found that KTSP still offers the “incompleteness” and some complexities that should be considered later on. This research is hoped give an overview of teacher’s perception and the problems in KTSP implementation.

Kurikulum berbasis sekolah atau Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) merupakan penanti kurikulum yang dulu yaitu KBK. Kurikulum KTSP ini diterapkan di Indonesia pada tahun 2006. KTSP merupakan paradigma baru pengembangan kurikulum, yang memberikan otonomi luas pada setiap satuan pendidikan, dan pelibatan masyarakat dalam rangka mengefektifkan proses belajar-mengajar di sekolah.
Dalam KTSP, pengembangan kurikulum dilakukan oleh guru, kepala sekolah, serta komite Sekolah dan Dewan Pendidikan. Badan ini merupakan lembaga yang ditetapkan berdasarkan musyawarah dari pejabat daerah setempat, Komisi Pendidikan pada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), pejabat pendidikan, daerah, kepala sekolah, tenaga kependidikan, perwakilan orang tua peserta didik, dan tokoh masyarakat.
Secara khusus tujuan diterapkannya KTSP adalah untuk:
1. Meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui kemandirian dan inisiatif sekolah dalam mengembangkan kurikulum, mengelola dan memberdayakan sumber daya yang tersedia.
2. Meningkatkan kepedulian warga sekolah dan masyarakat dalam pengembangan kurikulum melalui pengambilan keputusan bersama.
3. Meningkatkan kompetensi yang sehat antar satuan pendidikan tentang kualitas pendidikan yang akan dicapai.

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